Laravel - The Narcissistic code framework?

There's probably a php/classics pun in there somewhere about rejecting 'Echo'

Diving into the Getting Started docs on it doesn't take long to hit "expressive, elegant syntax", "amazing developer experience", "expressive database abstraction" and other self-congratulatory guff. Worse than the repetitive "we're amazing" padding though is the naming of every component possible: Breeze, Blade, Vapor, and wait - what's that? Wow! A whole Laravel ecosystem!

Why Blade? If an essential, core part of Laravel is a template mangler, why give it a name as though it was a separate application or plug-in? 'Ego' would be more fitting than 'Blade' in my view, and require fewer keystrokes.

I get that code can be a bit dry, and there's nothing wrong with being proud of your work, but dressing up everything possible as an example of amazing Laravel genius is bit a much. 'Eloquent ORM', 'Artisan Console' - seriously? It's reminiscent of the big breweries stuffing the word 'craft' in all their beers. I wonder... and there it is: "you should take special care to always hand-craft the arrays passed to Eloquent's fill, create, and update methods"; "easily construct notifications while leveraging Laravel's pre-crafted notification components".

I wouldn't mind so much if there was any value to the extra bullshit in the documentation, or if it didn't get in the way, but there isn't and it does.