I think I feel a 'feed' coming on A series of posts – not a king prawn chow mein

Following the successful and rapid development of some recent 'flyout' widgets, it feels like it might be time to add another new module.

It's not that simple though – of course. Adding 'feed' as a view option is/was easy, but the result is not quite what I want. What do I want? That's probably something I should work on first. More later...

It is a day or two later and possibly a bit late to be starting something that might need decision making level thought, but I have wine, so... point 1: choosing the option to include 'pages' as a feed required 'paging' – a way to navigate through multiple pages of pages. The default paging system provides numbered links and adds /page/2/ etc to the url. However, this is less helpful when dealing with content in module form. We might want to look at the page of results for the module, but not for the rest of what we're looking at. In case this makes no sense to you, don't worry. Only one of us has to.

So – options. 1: set-up the paging links to target a module-specific container; 2: also using a module container, enable an infinite scroll mechanism.

I've implemented both of these before. The infinite scroll is part of the 'messages' system, and the module-specific paging is standard when loading content into modals or flyouts. I suppose I should just try both and see which one feels right.

Let's give the infinite scroll a go first. Step 1: make the container 'scrollable'