Friday again. Still January, still cold, still dark

Still code to rewrite and a list of other stuff to do

Reminders: take stuff to the brewery (and check website). My expensive German brewing kit is finally somewhere it can be used. I need to make time to review the manuals and/or online videos and complete the set-up.
I also need to enter a bunch of DASH diet recipes into and get to produce a meal plan and shopping list based on my personal prefs. That could wipe out the weekend though.
What else? Building a wardrobe for La Granage needs to be a priority. The CPP poker tournament site needs checking. That’s another potential weekend ruiner though - must be careful to not completely disappear down a code rabbit hole.

What else else? Calendar - that needs sorting out. Oh and PPL. And closing an old bank account - which involves telling an old client they have to stop using it. I think that’s enough.

The image I’ve chosen for today’s post has nothing to do with today - I just really like it.