Digest. Summary. Ponder ponder

Stand by for weekly updates by email, (but don't hold your breath)

There's been a sliver of an idea floating around in my noodle-sphere for a while. It's elusive - like a moth flying in and out of a spotlight. The core is simple enough to explain as "a regular email with a summary of posts and recent photos". The way to actually implement it though is difficult to pin down.

There are various easy options. Automatically selecting the most recent pages, images, events, or other content would not be technically challenging, but the chances of the result being not crap are low. No. The idea definitely needs more control when it comes to content.

It would be nice to not have to faff about with anything technical though. Maybe a page where I can collect stuff together and then flag as 'on the email list'.

I think I need a prototype test thing. But first I need the idea to crystallise. I need a thing that will be the thing. A page or not a page? A single page makes no sense. You wouldn't want to have to delete content and start again, and you'd lose the option for an archive. I'm feeling some sort of flag might work. Either a way of making a page as 'this is on the to be emailed list' or perhaps everything could be flagged as 'include me in the next email'?

Maybe I should try to subscribe to my own mailing list and send myself this page. Now that could really distract me from doing important stuff.